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Unknown breed / mixed (short coat) : : Male : : Senior : : Medium Boxer/Staff Terrier Mix
This sweet little boy was found wandering the US 60. When some good Samaritan stopped to rescue him, he jumped right into their car and licked the faces of his saviors!, Calvin is a friendly little chap. He approaches new people and dogs with great enthusiasm. He walks right up and says hello with a wag and a kiss. He is playful and would love to live in a house with other dogs and an active family. Calvin is very friendly with kids, but due to his size, would do best with older children. He will sit and stay for treats and seems anxious to please, so should be a fast learner. He also walks pretty nicely on the leash; he needs some training to remind him not to pull., Recently, Calvin spent the weekend with a volunteer. Here is what our volunteer told us about the visit: "Calvin had a great weekend hanging out with us. , We picked him up Friday night and brought him back (he, did ok on the car ride - a little bit of whining, but, I'm sure he was wondering what was going on). He came, back to the house and met our dog, Lucy, which went very well -, Lucy proceeded to play bow and try to get him to play, and he just kind of stood there and gave her a "oh, my, how juvenile you are" sort of vibe. We also had the, cats out and he seemed interested, but with a "eh-eh", correction sound whenever he got too close, he quickly, learned to leave them alone and the rest of the, weekend peacefully co-existed with them, even laying, side by side with them on our bed at one point. , We went to the dog park Saturday and Sunday and he did, wonderfully well! Everyone was commenting on how, pretty he was and unique looking - we made sure to, tell them to go to the website. He has a very chill, vibe and seems to be very sociable with all the dogs -, there were no altercations whatsoever - even when a, chocolate lab kept mounting him, he patiently waited, for the lab's owner (or me) to come over and break it, up. Furthermore, I think he's dubbed himself dogpark, sheriff, as whenever there's a scuffle in the park, amongst a group of dogs, he goes running right over, and puts himself between the two offending dogs and, breaks up the altercation in a very peaceful sort of, way - no barking or anything, just as if to say "come, on now guys - no need for that, break it up!". It's, really very sweet. Of course he makes his rounds, around the people too to ensure he gets plenty of, attention. , We did have to leave a couple of times to run errands, during the day and crated him. He did well the first, time (don't get me wrong he whines and pitches a fit, and doesn't like it, but tolerated it),but the second, time he broke out of the crate - actually bent the, metal bars open (very impressive!). He did fine in, the crate at night as he can see us since we put it in, the bedroom - he's still not happy - whines the first, 10-15 minutes, but eventually settles down and sleeps, through the night., The very first night on Friday he did try to pee on, one of our living room chairs - at least he got as far, as lifting his leg and a little trickle came out - but, I got him in the act and promptly took him outside and, that was the only inside potty mistake the whole, weekend - pretty good for a dog that we're not sure if, he's ever been inside before. He's following our dog in, and out of the doggie door pretty well, so I'm sure he, could have that down in no time. , On the whole he seems to be a very sweet boy. Still, doesn't really play with our dog or pay her much mind -, so I think he could definitely be fine as an only dog." ----------------, If you would like to meet the great dog, please click on "Contact Us About Calvin". More about CalvinGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids