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Unknown breed / mixed (short coat) : : Female : : Senior : : Medium Yellow Lab Mix
Tasha was adopted from Paw Placement six years ago when she was just a one-year-old. She has been VERY loved by her human family who now must find another loving home for her as they are moving to Saudi Arabia. , Tasha is a great dog who needs a good home, with loving people around her and who will be patient with her. Here is an account of Tasha as told by her current human mama: , "Tasha is used to a quiet home, although she would do well with more action than we have around here, since I work all day and don?t get home until 5:30pm each day. I don?t think she will do well with toddlers and babies, but she will do well with older children and teenagers. , , 1. Tasha is house-trained. She has a doggie door and thus, we don?t worry about her during the day. She has never had an accident in the house, since we potty trained her. , 2. She is a loving dog, but a needy dog. She exhibits some anxiety when we are gone for long periods of time, which is too often. (And that?s why it isn?t fair to her to keep her any longer.) I often fly to Wisconsin to my home state and am gone for entire summers. Tasha is in the care of a neighbor during these times, who comes into the house to take care of her. Tasha does best if left in her home she doesn?t do well if taken to another person?s home, until she gets to know them. , 3. She is an indoor dog., 4. Her demeanor is one of being shy, loving, needy, and happy but she also gets freaked out at times. When she is relaxed and happy, she shows it. , 5. She is used to being alone during the day, but is very needy for attention at night, 6. We had to teach her how to ?play?. She did not know how play when we first adopted her. , 7. We think that prior to her coming into our family, she must have been kept tied up outside and confined to a small area., 8. If there is dog poop around in the yard, she will not walk through it or play through or run through it. She has an aversion to it., 9. We believe she had some kind of intense dog training as a puppy, as she could sit, wait, and come.. but as we retrained her, she got better at it., 10. She can also be very stubborn. If she does not want to get out of the car, for instance, she absolutely will not get out of the car. We will get a leash and put it on her and then she comes right out. , 11. She is a ?scrounger? in the kitchen. If she is feeling left-out or needy, she will eat food off the counter. She won?t eat any food when we are home, but if we are gone and there is food out, she will get into it and will eat it. ESPECIALLY anything in a plastic bag., 12. She loves plastic bags. (The ziploc type) If we have anything in a ziploc bag (it doesn?t matter what it is, but if it is food, especially) she will tear the bag apart. Something about plastic bags, 13. When she goes for walks, (which she LOVES), we taught her to walk on our LEFT on a tight leash. She is a good walker and a happy walker. , 14. She sleeps in my bedroom at night. If I don?t put her in there, she will scratch at the door to get in., 15. Her kennel is her ?safety? zone. We keep it in one of the rooms of the house, as she will use it if there is a storm. (I put a blanket over it to keep the sights out of it.) , 16. She is very AFRAID of lighting and thunder and strong winds. She starts to freak out and will want your attention. She will want to hide in the closet or under something, far away for the sights and sounds. We think when she was a puppy, or perhaps when she was on the run, she experienced being outside in some storms., 17. The only thing that seems to work, besides sitting with her and talking quietly to her and petting her, is to put her in her kennel with a blanket over it and sit near her. Sometimes I need to put a dog bisquit in the kennel to entice her into the kennel. |