First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Which Paw Placement Animal are you interested in? Choose an animal: Babbles Goose Hanna Harley Jeffrey Meadow Panda Peacock Roadster Smokey Tommy
If the pet you are interested in is not available, please enter the names of other Paw Placement pets you might be interested in.
What are you seeking in a kitten/cat? (please check all that apply)
Please list the current animals in the home, including Pet Name, Years Owned, Breed*
Please note the sexes and ages of the animals.*
Are your currents cats declawed?
Please list animals you cared for in the past five years, but who are no longer with you, including animal type, how many years they lived with you, and where they are now:*
Have any of the above animals (past or present) ever been unaltered (not spayed or neutered)? If so, please explain:*
Please list the names and ages of all members living in your home:*
Have all adults in the home agreed to adopt?
Is the animal to be a gift or surprise?
Do you rent or own your place of residence?
What is the name of your apartment complex/landlord?*
Do you have a doggy door?
Is anyone in your home allergic to cats, dogs or both?
What will you do if medical issues arise and how much are you willing to spend to keep your pet healthy? *
Please check the lifestyle you will provide your cat:
Comments or Questions:
Have you ever surrendered an animal to the Humane Society, County Facility, the Pound or Animal Care & Control? If yes, please explain?*
Have you ever placed a pet with family, friend or acquaintance? If yes, please explain the circumstances:*
If you cannot care for your kitten or cat, who has agreed to look after your pet? *
Cats are creatures of space. This means that it takes the a while to settle into a new home. How much time are you willing to allow a new kitty to settle into your home?*
Describe behaviors you are willing to work on with your new companion and any you are unwilling to work on. *
Before returning the pet, would you consult with Paw Placement staff or seek the help of a trainer?
Have you adopted from us before? If so, please list the full name of the adopter, if different from above:*
How did you hear about our organization?*
I understand completion of this form and approval for adoptions allows access to handle the cats in our Adoption Center. I also understand there is a chance I may be scratched or nipped and agree not to hold Paw Placement liable for any superficial injuries.
Mailing Address: PO Box 769, 3370 N. Hayden Road, #123, Scottsdale, AZ 85251