First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
For the safety of the animals, we do not allow adoptions outside of the state of Arizona. We apologize to those outside of our area, and recommend looking for a rescue in your local area using a resource such as PetFinder. Please confirm your location below:*
Which Paw Placement Animal are you interested in? Choose an animal: Babbles Goose Hanna Harley Jeffrey Meadow Panda Peacock Roadster Smokey Tommy
If the pet you are interested in is not available, please enter the names of other Paw Placement pets you might be interested in.
What personality are you seeking in a Companion Animal?*
Do you rent or own your place of residence?
Please list the names and ages of all members living in your home:*
If you have dogs currently, are they friendly with new dogs?*
If you have a dog currently, what kind of dog food do they eat? If you do not have a dog currently, please reply with N/A. *
Briefly describe your past experience (as an adult) owning, raising, and training dogs. Please include breed information, if known. If you have no previous experience owning dogs please reply N/A *
How many hours a week is the primary caregiver at work and away from the home? *
Where will the dog be kept when you are not home?*
Where will the animal stay when you are home? *
Where will the dog be kept during the night?*
Do you have a doggy door?
If you do have a dog door, is your dog allowed to use it at all times?*
What type of fencing or enclosure does your property have and what are the approximate dimensions (length, height, etc.)?*
Do you have a pool? If so, what type of fencing around the pool do you have?*
Is your current dog crate trained?
If you do not have a dog currently, are you familiar with crate training?
How long have you been thinking of adopting?*
Please list all of the animals currently in your home including their species, breed, age, sex, and how long you have had them:*
Have any of the above animals (past or present) ever been unaltered (not spayed or neutered)? If so, please explain:*
What will you do if medical issues arise and how much are you willing to spend to keep your pet healthy? *
If you were to adopt this animal and bring it home, under what circumstances would you determine that the adoption was not going to work out?*
Before returning the pet, would you consult with Paw Placement staff or seek the help of a trainer?
Have you ever surrendered an animal to the Humane Society, County Facility, the Pound or Animal Care & Control? If yes, please explain?*
Have you ever re-homed a pet? If yes, please explain:*
If you were to move to a place that did not accept animals what would you do? *
With my Electronic Signature, I verify that all of my responses on this application are, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. I understand that falsifying answers on this application, or at any time during the approval process, disqualifies me from fostering with Paw Placement.*
Mailing Address: PO Box 769, 3370 N. Hayden Road, #123, Scottsdale, AZ 85251